Hi, my name is Emma. I'm 46 years old. I was brought up in Swansea and Gower, but now live in Rhosfach, deep in the heart of the Preseli mountains in North Pembrokeshire.  

I'm married to farmer John and together we have a fabulous son, a beautiful granddaughter and a very spoiled cat called Lemmy.

I've always enjoyed being creative. I find inspiration in all things; natural, nautical, the colours of the sea, sunsets, and even bulky project cargoes I've worked on!

I like to try working through different mediums so my jewellery remains unique. I especially enjoy creating beach scenes using Fresh Water Pearls and miniature shells.

Each piece is individually made and unique!

Please click on my facebook / instagram link where I will be posting updates, including both my successes and failures on a regular basis!

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!

If you'd like to leave feedback or share any ideas, please get in touch.

Emma B x

P.s. Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg - ond ddim yn teimio'n hyderus ar-lein eto.